Evelyn Rodriguez on Art and Ambition

Evelyn Rodriguez quotes Prabda Yoon, a writer from Bangkok who, among many things, led two drawing workshops for the victims of the Tsunami:

It would be difficult to find an ugly artwork by a child. That is probably because when a children make art, they don’t begin with an idea in their heads that what they are doing is making art.

Evelyn writes:

Perhaps ugliness springs from ambition (…) The quality of children’s art is that it defies all the annoying artistic ambitions held by most adults; the sorts of ambitions that turn art into making a career, or a self-serving, egotistical expression far removed from acts of creation inspired entirely by nature.

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Snowstorm in April

After a few days of full warm and sunny spring, this morning we had a surprise snowstorm. Everybody in my office gathered around the window and watched incredulous the snow falling heavy, twirling in the strong wind. It didn’t last very long. But it reminded me how much power weather still has on us, even with all our air-conditioned glass buildings, excessive energy consumption, and unfounded feeling of control. Thankfully, Nature still has us.

Snowstorm in April